December 28, 2008

Menu Plan Monday--New Year's Tradition

I can't believe it's almost 2009. Where have the years gone? I hope each of you have a wonderful beginning to the New Year.

Monday--Ham Bone Soup.

Tuesday--Pork Chops, rice, peas.


Thursday--Black Eye Peas, Collards, Corn Bread.


Saturday--Take out.

Sunday--Breakfast for dinner.

I thought I would also share why Southerners eat the chosen foods on New Years day. Black Eye Peas are meant to signify luck, Collards are meant to signify wealth/money, and Corn Bread is meant to signify good fortune. Granted these foods are always delicious, but it helps to have another reason to eat them :)

Visit more Menu Plans at Organizing Junkie.

1 comment:

  1. We enjoy them because they're so good. Thanks for sharing the history behind them.
    Great menu plan. Happy New Year!
