July 12, 2010

Is That A Post? Why Yes It Is :)

I apologize for being gone for SO long. My life was turned upside down for a little while and now I feel as though I have more of a steady grip on things.

I am now a divorced, working mother. I found out my now ex-husband had been cheating on me and when confronted with this, he did not want to work on things. He now lives in Oregon with his new girlfriend. He just came last week to see Sophie, which he had not seen since September.

This would be the other part that has been difficult to deal with. Sophie hurts and misses him and I can understand that. She gets upset and acts out because he's not here and has no contact with her. It got to a point in school where other kids would ask her if she had a daddy and she would say no, which myself and her teacher would quickly reframe for her. As much as she has frustrated me this past year and a half and tried my patience, I am amazed by her every single day. Sophie is such an awesome and wonderful child that I cannot thank God enough for.

I have missed blogging and will be back here much more often now. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to catching up :)

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